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Sad For Bangkok

I feel really sad for Bangkok people right now. From a bustling city, wonderful with sights and sound, now reduced to ruins. 

It started with me, strangely, having a bad dream that I was right smack in the middle of the warzone....wearing a RED shirt. I had a child with me, who was strangely (once again) not my kid. Big ears, goofy smile. In that dream, I was panicking about finding a place to hide but walked right into a MEETING. Oh, I don't know which side's meeting, everything was a blur. 

I told them I was just passing by and looking for hotel room. In my hand, I held a hotel room key and then they let me pass. Just as I closed the door, there was a thunderous boom and....THANK GOD, I WOKE UP. 

Then, as I got started at work, I twitted that I woke up late because of a Red Shirt dream and my friend who is in Bangkok right now replied that 'thank goodness it was just a dream. heard that today is THE DAY'. I was like Oh no. THE DAY as in THE DAY?

I followed a few people on Twitter who were reporting/twitting right from within the war zone. What chaos. But what saddened me was when this Canadian reporter by the name Mark Mackinnon (you can view the twitter page even if you don't have a twitter account, I think) reported that some of the children and women who were advised to leave the city decided to leave the city by running into a temple called Wat Pathum, a sacred place that you're not supposed to shoot into or get into if you're at war, right? It's a TEMPLE. 

But some people in there were shot and they couldn't get the people out of the temple because it was right smack in the middle of where everything was wrong. The hospital was across the road but the bullets continue to fly. So, Mackinnin twitted "RT @markmackinnon: More people will die inside Wat Patum unless we get ceasefire to get to hospital across the road"

From what I can tell, they have not gotten those people out of the temple and into the hospitals. Looks like there are gonna be more innocent lives lost, then, huh?

Sometimes, human beings disgusts me. Such violence...I am in no position to say anything about politics but I sure know that humanity ceases to exist if you can't be sane to innocent lives or have to resort to violence. Any type of violence is not alright except for self defense. 

Let's hope tomorrow is a better day for Bangkok. 

Over and out. Good night, world. May you be better tomorrow.

p.s. Mark Mackinnon reports for The Globe and Mail dot com. Here's one of his updates


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